How the heck has another two weeks gone by? I guess I should start doing shorter, more frequent posts, huh? Well, maybe that'll start next time. I have a lot to show today!!
Canada, eh?
So last summer Sam and I went and listened to a timeshare presentation so we could get a free trip. It was well worth the crazy salesmen, because they gave us 3 nights in Vancouver, B.C. for nothing but the cost of parking! It was great.

We spent a night in Bellingham before crossing the border and had so much fun! We got to witness this gorgeous sunset over Bellingham Bay which would have been worth the trip in itself, but it was just the beginning :)
We spent our time in Vancouver exploring the city, hiking, shopping, eating tons of delicious food, and being entertained by silly Canadians. Vancouver is

a super cool city and we really really like it there. If it wasn't in another country, it would definitely be on our short list of places to live someday. However, there are some things I just don't think we'd ever get used to.
For example, I don't know if you've ever heard this, but Canadians LOVE hockey. And it's not a stereotype.
Really. If you doubt me, just go to a Costco in Canada. If you've ever needed to buy hockey sticks in bulk, where else would you go? Costco of course! This is a portion of the Hockey section in Costco. If you can't see, there are hockey bags, hockey goals, hockey tape, and hockey sticks all right here for silly Canadians to buy... in bulk. I mean really, could I ever live with myself if I got the phone call from my kid saying, "Hey mom, if you're going to Costco, can you pick me up some more hockey sticks? I need another 20." Really Canada?
Ok, enough about that. Canada does have its high points. Like I said, it's a super cool city and we had a blast on a day hike. It's gorgeous! If you're into outdoorsy type stuff (and we are!) this is a great place to live. One would never run out of places to hike, explore, kyak, and camp. There is just never enough time to do it all! Here is Sam conquering the Canadian wilderness:

And me, hesitantly crossing the suspension bridge to start our hike:

Yes, it was like a thousand miles up in the treetops. It's not an illusion. Where do they come up with these ideas? Silly Canadians.
The rest of our time was spent exploring the gorgeous city and getting down with the locals... here are some highlights:

We had an awesome time, and can't wait to see where we'll get sent next time by those wonderful timeshare salesmen who just keep calling us and offering us free trips! What was that WorldMark? Vegas? Where do we sign? Awww... and who ever said there's no such thing as a free lunch? That's not what our $50 food voucher said! In summary, it was all well worth the hour and a half presentation we sat through on Saturday one year ago to enjoy this foreign trip, on the house. Until next time Canada!!
Wishin' I was a Fishin'!
We got back from Canada on Wednesday, worked a couple days, then took off again on Saturday to Vancouver, WA for some sturgeon fishing. This has been a tradition for the last 3 years, and is something I always look forward to. There's nothing like getting up at the crack of

dawn and jet-boating at top speed on glassy, smooth water to watch the sun rise over the Columbia... and this time was no exception! It was gorgeous! Somehow, amidst all the rainy gray days, we were lucky enough to have a beautiful sunny day. Perfect for fishing.
Did I catch anything you ask? Oh c'mon! As if that even matters!! What really matters is the bonding between friends and family and the memories that are created during such times. Ok, and if you must know... I didn't catch anything. Sad, I know. But check out this monster Sam snagged:

I think it was like 8 feet long? I don't know... maybe it was 10. All I know is that it was huge. Or something.
Alright, I have sufficiently written a short novel (is there such a thing?) If you made it all the way through my updating and pointless banter, than you deserve some sort of medal. I promise my next few posts will be shorter and more frequent!! I already have a treat for you guys concocting in my head, but it's just not time yet. Oh yes... you are all in for a real surprise!
I'll give you a hint: While we were out fishing, we saw something that very very few people have ever even claimed to have seen. A legendary character that lurks around the Northwest, chillingly revealing itself to those with the sharpest of eyes and quickest of cameras. I was lucky (or unlucky) enough to witness this creature in its native habitat and even snapped a quick picture! I'm telling you... this picture just might make even the most critical of skeptics true believers once and for all...
(Jodi, Quiet! No spoiling!!)