In the meantime, we find ways to incorporate Aussie culture into our lives back here at home and attempt to bring a bit of Australia to us (Tim Tam Slams, anyone?). So when Sam saw an article in the newspaper (who reads this anymore?) last week about an Australian bakery up in the Seattle area, we had to try it out. There is nothing like Aussie baked goods. Enter: the Meat Pie.

While devouring our pies (and discussing how we needed to take home at least half a dozen frozen ones for later) we realized another trip Down Under has to be made. Soon. More on this later.
27 Weeks
Welcome to the 3rd Trimester
Welcome to the 3rd Trimester

He's growing. I'm growing too:

I'm starting to feel some of the pains and uncomforts of pregnancy. Does this really have to happen with 3 more months to go? Oh well. When I sit back at night to unwind from the day and can just focus on feeling Baby N's kicks and flips and other various acrobatics, it makes it all worth it.
So we registered last week. Thank you SO MUCH to all who put in a couple words of advice about what they found was useful/not useful/a waste/etc. It made us feel like we almost knew what we were doing. People have done this whole baby thing billions and billions of times before us, so I'm pretty confident we'll figure it all out at some point... and I realize that it will all be a huge learn-as-you-go process too. Like, on the job training. I'm good with that.
This is me convincing myself not to freak out.