Time has flown by and we've survived the first week (and a few days) of having a newborn in our home. Parker has been such a sweet baby and only requires a diaper changing and a feeding every other hour or so, and so far I haven't had to employ any crazy baby whisperer tactics as of yet.
In fact, he's been so good that I'm having a hard time enjoying it because this voice in my head keeps telling me it won't always be this easy. I try to ignore that and and just soak in these sweet moments of him sleeping in my arms for the majority of the day.
And yet, fears of colic, reflux, and screaming that can't be consoled continues to haunt my thoughts. Maybe it's post pregnancy hormones that don't allow me to shake these feelings? I'd be interested in knowing others' experiences in this area.
This last weekend was great. We had Sam's parents, my parents, and Jodi and Jason here to stay with us. Yup. Our first week at home with a new baby and we had 6 house guests. But it was fun and we wouldn't have had it any other way.

We blessed Parker this last Sunday. It was one of the most special and beautiful experiences and I am so glad we got to share that with a few members of our family (wish more of you could have been here!)
As for my recovery, I am doing well. I haven't taken any pain meds for 2 or 3 days now and I'm starting to feel human again. My belly has gone down way faster than I could have imagined and I am counting down the days until I have the green light to work out. T minus 4 and a half weeks! I have never gone this long without some sort of work out regime since Junior High, and even then I was in sports, so this lack of physical activity is driving me crazy!
Epidural = FAIL.
A lot of you have asked why the heck I was in so much pain if I had an epidural. I want to know the same thing. I plan on talking to my doctor about it at my 6-week check up. But I'm pretty dang sure the epidural had no effect on my pain once I started transitioning, because I felt EVERYTHING. There was never a time when I couldn't move my legs or wiggle my toes as I've heard is the experience of a lot of others who have had an epidural. I definitely felt the contractions while pushing and the pain of him leaving my body.
But all of that is a distant memory now.
Sam has been amazing and I am SO grateful that he gets to stay home with us for 4 whole weeks. He's taken such good care of us and has really allowed me to rest up and take it easy this last week and a half. When he's not holding Parker, changing a diaper, or swaddling him (he's a much better swaddler than me), he's cleaning the house, doing laundry, or mowing the lawn (what he's doing right now as I type). I have the best husband in the world, fyi.
Well, hopefully we'll be given the green light to leave the house again soon (the pediatrician said to keep Parker out of stores and the public for 2 MONTHS!) and I'll find some additional things besides mommy-hood to blog about.

Until then, you'll have to put up with shameless pictures of this cute baby and reports on this monumental change in my life! Consider yourself warned.
He is TRULY Beautiful! I was excited to read your post! I hardly left the house the first several weeks and didn't go to church for almost 6 because I KNEW everyone was going to want to touch and hold her and we were smack in the middle of cold/flu season. Call me paranoid, but she never got sick!
ReplyDeleteAs for your epidural fiasco: Dan and I talked for about 45 minutes with an anesthesiologist in our birth class and he said sometimes if epidurals are given before 6cm they fade more at the end of the labor. Also, he said that a lot of anesthesiologists these days purposely lighten epidurals to cover contraction pain but not really pushing/delivery pain so that the woman can tell if she is pushing and if they are effective. I have no idea, but maybe it was something along those lines?
Okay, he is ridiculous! What a beautiful baby! So so handsome! I can't wait to meet him. I'm sure you are a lot more busy nowadays! :) Guess what? I had the exact same experience with my first. Epidural drama. I felt everything as well. I was terrified the second time around and it went amazingly different and smoothly. So that should give you some hope the second time around :) Congrats again! We are so dang happy for you!
ReplyDeleteHe is so cute, Amy! Love him!!
ReplyDeleteYou look great, too. Hot mama!
As for the feelings you're having, I think it's totally normal. I've talked with you about my post partum issues. It happens. For me, I still have those worried feeling sometimes. When Hayden is having a good day or even week, I worry about when she will have a bad week, but you know what, you get through it and you survive and everything is okay. You'll see. :)
Hayden SCREAMED the first week for us. Probably the first month. So you are already doing much better than us :) hahaha But a lot of that first little while was due to nursing issues, but it got fixed and it turned out great!
I love you! Keep us posted! I love your mommy blogs:)
try not to spend much time worrying about crying, reflux. etc. if those things happen, they do. maybe they won't! finn was a pretty easy newborn and he continues to bu a lucky baby - no reflux, colic, nothing extreme. just keep enjoying him :)
ReplyDeleteI love seeing all your pictures! Keep them coming! You look amazing as well!
ReplyDeleteIdeally, I wait at least a month before taking my babies anywhere and 2 months before taking them to church. In reality, that only works with the first couple of kids. I dragged Sarah out when she was only a few days old.
Love these cute photos! Parker is such a little dream baby, & I would advise you to simply expect it to continue! You are already a great little Mommy & he is a lucky little boy... Love you, Mom oxoxo
ReplyDeleteOh! I'm dying here! Those Cheeks! Those lips! That arched new-born baby back! Ugh! I need more pictures of his cuteness!
ReplyDeleteIt definitely sounds like your epidural wore off. That happened to me with #2. But, I've also heard the thing about anesthesiologists going light on the drugs so women can feel to push. My thinking is, why would I get the epidural if I wanted to feel the pain/pushing? Maybe that's just me, though.
Enjoy the fact that you have an easy baby, and deal with those other things if they come up. The pregnancy hormones will wear off soon enough and you will start feeling like your old self faster than you know.
We can't wait to come see you guys in July.
I love that first photo! I love it when they stick out their little bum :) My epidural only worked on one side. But it still gave me some relief. Sorry yours wasn't ideal! I would find it surprising if it "wore off" because mine was a continuous drip. But maybe yours was different.
ReplyDeleteMadeline was always pretty mild like Parker. No excess crying, just diaper changes and feedings and back to sleep. she's still pretty easy going so maybe Parker will be the same! (Lucky you!)
Enjoy that sweet guy. He's awfully cute!
The swaddling thing must be a boy thing cause Shawno has been better at it than me. In fact he has to swaddle Kassidee's dolls because I dont do it tight enough. Parker is so cute. Congrats. Things will continue to be wonderful for you guys. Enjoy every moment even the crazy ones.
ReplyDeleteI miss him soooo much. He is such a handsome little man. We can't wait to see you again!