Saturday, December 31, 2011

last couple-a weeks in iPhone pics! w. 58 & 59

oh hello there my neglected blog of late!

have you gotten the sense that things have been a bit crazy around here lately?  no?  well they have been.  it's a good crazy though!  the kind that usually surrounds the holidays.  after being home for three days, we are back on the road headed to my family's for a little bit!

so i'm officially on vacation.  again.

but since i flaked out on "a week in iPhone pics" last weekend, i just couldn't bare to do it again.  here are some highlights from our last couple-a weeks!

there was christmas shopping, sam's baking, fro-yo eating, road-tripping, presents-opening, family hanging-outing, anniversary celebrating & newborn photo-shooting!  whew.

happy new year!

that was our week!  how was yours?  i wanna see, so link up!

Game Rules:
1.  your pictures have to be taken by your camera phone. that's it!  you don't even have to have a picture for every day.  got one camera phone pic of something fun from this week?  link up!

2.  if you want to grab the code below & put it in your post to have the linky with all the thumbnails show up on your blog do it.

and please post a link to my blog so others can come here to grab the code, too.
the more kids who come out to play, the more fun it will be, right?

Grab the code here:

...and get on the linky here:


  1. Have a great second vacation. I love your photos. xo, rv

  2. Such a busy week! Have a great vacation!

  3. blocks and cars...what more does a boy need! happy new year!

  4. lovely...Enjoy your vacation..

    happy new year

    Sacha xoxo

  5. Okay, seriously... does he just get cuter every week?! What a handsome little boy :)

  6. Cute pics! I look forward to this post everyweek (or everyother, hehe). Have a wonderful time on your vacay! :)

  7. My weeks have felt EXACTLY the same. I seriously hope you post pics of that newborn shoot because I am squeeing just from the tiny shot at the end!!

  8. Looks busy, but very fun! Enjoy your time away! Happy New Year!!

  9. I'm glad to see that Parker helps out with your shoots. He looks like your little assistant.

  10. Looks like such a great time. Wonderful pictures.

  11. I hope you've had some great vacation and family-visiting! I sure have missed you around the interwebz ;)


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