Tuesday, March 8, 2011

join us for vloggin' vednesdays!

we got an amazing reaction from our first vlog last week!! thanks everyone,  you made my day week month.  we had such a blast participating in hot vliggity vlog vednesday & it turns out everyone had so much fun it's now been made into a regular thing!  check it out.

K.B. SquaredAdeline's Daddy        

themes are set for each week so that we can all be on the same page & check out each other's vlogs. fun, right?  current dates & themes are:

march 9:  "rooms in your home"
-show a room {or rooms} in your house.  totally your opportunity to pull an mtv cribs up in here.

march 16:  "q&a day" - vlog questions
-why did you start blogging?
-if you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
-what is the biggest personal change you have ever made?

march 23:  "guilty pleasures."
-we know you got 'em.  let's hear about 'em.

march 30:  "how-to"
-share a how-to video.  we all like learning new stuff, right?

linky party will be hosted by don at adeline's daddy.  join us!!
{mine will most likely be up later today... check back, yo.}

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