Monday, July 11, 2011

he can walk!

we seriously thought it would never happen.  but doesn't every parent think that when their kid isn't doing something months before they're "supposed" to?

he started dabbling in the walking world thursday night.  sam & i were just hanging out in the living room & parker was crawling around up to his usual shenanigans.  he pulled himself up & was standing in the dining room holding on to a chair.  he was looking at us with this mischievous grin & i swear to you i said to sam, "he totally looks like he's just gonna let go & walk off."

and then he did.  

he took six or seven steps towards us, laughing the whole way, & then stumbled & fell.  he thought it was hilarious!  he was so proud of himself & tried to do it a few more times before he got sick of it.  we didn't push it & i had kinda forgotten about it come friday.  

we ran errands all friday morning, came home, had lunch, parker took his nap... walking wasn't even on our radar.  then, after his nap we were playing in the living room when he pulled himself up by the coffee table & just took off.  he was walking around the room like he'd been doing it his whole life!  although he was laughing so hard about it that it was hard for him to keep his balance.  he'd fall over & try to get up, & fall over again laughing the whole time.  

by the time sam got home from work, he was turning corners & going from room to room.  here's some video of some of his very first real steps.

{oh yeah, i PROMISE i don't say "oooooh, you SUCK"  at the end of this video!!  i said "oooh you stopped!"  because he could have kept going & he didn't.  although, i've watched this video 1,000x & every time it sounds like "you suck".  ugh, i suppose some editing is in order. }

anywho, here are parker's first steps...

look how proud of himself he is!  i love it.  

so yup.  he's been a walking machine all weekend.  he's pretty sturdy on his feet & has been walking on grass, over dirt, around corners, & from room to room.  he stoops down to pick things up & keeps going.  he still has to pull himself up by something before he takes off & when he needs to get somewhere real quick he will resort to crawling. 

but i think it's pretty safe to say i am the mother of a toddler.  

where did my baby go??

how about a couple clicks for walking babies?  heck yes!
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  1. Omg!! Yay!! Love how excited and proud he was in the video :)) oh, and I could totally tell you said stopped & it just got cut off.

  2. Oh my gosh...that's so awesome! By his balance he looks like he's been doing it for some time!

  3. Awwwww, so cute!! We're just waiting for Brynn to get up and go now, lol. She's soooo close, we can tell she wants too, but she's just too scared!

    Oh well, she'll do it when she's ready {just like Parker did!}

  4. Yeah! Life just moves too fast. I can't imagine what I'll feel when E starts walking. Crawling was a big milestone. I'm sure you're feeling like a proud momma.

    Don't worry about the milestones. They don't mean anything in the long run. They will all be running around wrestling with each other and not thinking about who walked when.

  5. yah. congrats parker... and mama.

    being a mama to a toddler is super duper fun. i know i we say that about each stage...but for realz, toddlerhood... its full of fun.

  6. YAY!!! Go Parker. Cute photos

  7. So weird to see him walking. The "baby" part of Parker is definitely gone! Hey - Cami and I won't be at Stroller Strides. She got a raspy/hoarse voice yesterday and woke up this morning with a seal bark cough and tons of wheezing. The noise is so unmistakable, I'm pretty sure she has croupe. Hope Parker doesn't catch it!

  8. go p-ray go! i am totally one of those parents that thinks my child is never going to walk. liam is still only army crawling and he's going to be a year on sunday!!! then again, i can still catch him before he gets into anything ;)

  9. oh yay Parker! Congratulations to him and you all! :) Time for even more adventure! :)

  10. YAY Parker!! :) The fun is just getting started, love. What a cutie!

  11. Yah for walking babies! Thanks again for coming down this weekend. We love having you down!

  12. Yay Parker! Watch out Mommy and Daddy, there is no stopping him now! I loved, loved, loved this stage with my girls! It is crazy that you have a toddler now (and let the REAL child proofing begin) but kids get sooooo super fun when they are able to walk around with you! I love that he laughs and seems to be having a blast just learning to walk! Such a great little personality!

  13. Ohhh yay Parker!!!! That's so exciting. Now the real fun begins ;)

  14. ugh i feel like the biggest weirdo for how proud of him i am and happy this makes me! haha isnt it crazy how one day they just start WALKING! he's so good at it too! YAY! it totally does sound like you say, oooh you suck at the end. thats hilarious! i love the big cheesey proud of himself smile on his face the whole time!

  15. Yay!! I can't wait to watch the video (can't at work, sadness) He sounds just like Mason - absolutely zero interest except a loan step or two once a blue moon and then suddenly one day he started walking like he'd been doing it for months.

    Way to go Parker!

  16. Yay!! And, he's soooo stinkin' cute.

  17. and he's doing like he's always been able too! My kiddo has done since stopped trying to was a brief few days and now he's back to crawling...

  18. AWE!!! He is sooo freakin adorable! I knew it was coming! Congrats on having a toddler fun and sad all at once!!

  19. Such a Big Deal! Awesome! He is so happy with himself, too! Such a milestone - you would not have it any other way! oxox

  20. Congrats!! And good luck! JD started walking very suddenly around 13 months old & I haven't caught up with him since :)

  21. Awwww, way to go Parker!!! So excited for you guys, er, I mean him =)

    It's the most wonderful milestone. But watch your back now, mama!

  22. Yay!! Way to go Parker! Love the video :)


  24. Congrats! That is so exciting! Don't listen to anyone who says it's harder when they walk. I totally disagree, I think you will love having a little walker and p-ray will be so happy too!

  25. WOOOOHOO! Best thing ever - milestones. :o) So excited he is walking! I seriously just clicked on the vote thing 10x ha! Hopefully it counts them all. Good luck guys!

    {stop by & join my button-swap}

  26. The day my baby really walked was so fun. Bittersweet too. They grow so fast you just want to freeze time and rock your baby until you can't move.

    Still, life is so amazing at this "learn something new everyday" phase.

  27. Yay! Love the video too! Super. Cute.

  28. That's so exciting! He's so proud of himself too, I love that huge smile. And it does sound like you say, "You suck" at the end, but you're saying it all happy which makes it even funnier. When Garrison talks on film it always makes him sound like he has a huge lisp and there are so many videos he makes me take down from my blog because he hates it so much :D

  29. How precious!! Congratulations on his big milestone!! :) He's going to be all over the place now!!!


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