Saturday, July 30, 2011

our week by iPhone - week 37

hey guess what?  last week we had our biggest number of participants ever in the "week in camera phone" link up with 61 people!  yayyy!   that makes me a very happy panda.  thanks for playing everyone!

also, a couple people have asked what ap i use to "edit" my camera phone pics.  i use instagram & if you have an iPhone, you should too!  download it & then find me {amy_agoodlife} so we can be friends.  ok?

now on to our fun week!

monday.  started off with some playground time after stroller strides.  i'm not sure when this kid got so big but he is obsessed with climbing to the top of the bigtoy.  not a huge fan of the slide yet though... still needs his mama for that.

then after some football practice with dad it was time for a bath.  parker learned how to make farty noises with his hands which was pretty impressive.  he also practiced giving mouth to mouth to the blue whale on the faucet... because he is a baby genius & knows cpr.

tuesday.  we went to visit our friends at my work where parker walked around & looked really little in my big office.  then it was off to some mexican food with a co-worker where parker ate his weight in chips & colored like a pro.  proud mama moment right there.

that evening parker enjoyed gazing at himself in the mirror while wearing my headband, being pushed around costco really fast by his dad, & watching the beautiful sunset.  actually he probably didn't even notice the sunset.  what a jerk.

wednesday.  parker & his pillow pet hung out & watched the morning news while i got ready for work.  i was pretty excited on the drive to work because i was already looking forward to the pedicure i was gonna get on my lunch hour & yes, it was heavenly.

parker spent his day hanging out with heather & kaylee & doing grown up kid things like eating his pudding with a spoon, playing drums while sitting on a stool, & coloring with his serious face.  i swear he ages years while i'm away.

thursday.  parker & i stepped out for a run early thursday morning.  while i pushed he held his feet straight out & giggled.  we love our runs.  he's smiling in that last picture because he had such a good time, i'm smiling because i'm feeling pretty good about the 4.5 miles i just ran.  heck yeah.

thursday evening we headed over to heather's to get our feet wet in the kiddie pool.  parker had to borrow one of kaylee's lil' swimmers so he sported a pink dora diaper with dora's face planted front & center.  it seemed a little inappropriate but we rolled with it.

friday.  yay for family coming into town!  sam's brother's family is here for the weekend & we've been having all kinds of fun.  and by fun i mean back porch bubble dance parties, making goat friends at the cider mill, & hanging out with cousins kicking them in the back & pushing them off the couch.  i love seeing parker with his cousins!

and of course, who would we be if we didn't finish off the day with some fro-yo.  see parker's face?  that is a kid who loves him some fro-yo.

that was our week!  how was yours?  i wanna see, so link up!

Game Rules:
1.  your pictures have to be taken by your camera phone. that's it!  you don't even have to have a picture for every day.  got one camera phone pic of something fun from this week?  link up!

2.  if you want to grab the code below & put it in your post to have the linky with all the thumbnails show up on your blog do it.

and please post a link to my blog so others can come here to grab the code, too.
the more kids who come out to play, the more fun it will be, right?

Grab the code here:

...and get on the linky here:

we've moved up to #8 thanks to your votes!  keep 'em comin' friends!
Vote For Us @!


  1. Gosh he's so stinkin' cute! I love the photo of him in the grocery cart, they're all so cute!

  2. I LOVE how he wears a hat a lot!! Hehe, so cute!!

  3. How cute is he in that hat and star tee?? I wish you guys loved closer... our boys would love eachother!!

    We have the same Tub faucet cover and pillow pet as you.. so funny how much we have in common.

  4. Parker is a cutie, as always! Love the sunburst photo of the two of you!! I am so excited that our first fro-yo shop is opening soon - we will probably be regulars!!

  5. Man, Parker looks so much older now that he's running all over the place! I'm very impressed with his coloring skills. Hannah just wants to eat the crayons every time.

  6. Parker on the little stool is my favorite. And I am WAY impressed with 4.5 miles, especially while pushing a stroller. You're Super Mom!

  7. haha i love how he's proudly rockin' the dora diaper. :) i say it every week, but i mean it: he's so cute :)

  8. Love the bath photos. He looks so serious when he colors. Too cute.

  9. Hello! First off Parker is adorable! Secondly, which site do you use to put together your iphone pics of the week? Thanks. :)

  10. Fun week - did you go to fro-yo twice yesterday? Yum!

  11. The serious coloring face is awesome :) And that run is nuts! Go you!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. That post was fantastic. Never thought of doing something like that! Cute cute cute cute cute pictures

    Great blog!

    Maybe you could visit mine too
    (Sorry about the post i deleted before. I didn't realize I had copied another web address I was visiting before..)


  14. He is so dang cute. Love that he held his legs out all excited and whatnot while in the stroller. How fun! :)

  15. bath tub pictures are the greatest ever!


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