Wednesday, July 13, 2011

wordless{ish} wednesday: blanket-shepherd-boy.

this kid el-oh-vee-ee LOVES his blanket.  they're bffs.  we border on tantrum territory every time he has to say goodbye to his blanket in the car to go into a store.  recently he's learned a super awesome way to have his blanket be a part of every activity in his day. being worn over his head.

i couldn't make this stuff up if i tried, people.  the other day he kept holding up his blanket to the side of his head & signing "please."  i'd drape it over his head & he'd go on his merry way.  it'd fall off & we'd repeat.  i got tired of this process so i did what all good moms do & gerry-rigged a solution... my elastic headband.

problem solved.

and i bet i've watched this video about 500x.  seeing him walk down the hall gets me every single time.  does he not look like a little ewok to you?

and when he goes into his {messy, ahhh!!} room, notice that he signs "please" real quick before he starts whining.  it's the thought that counts.

and if you think for one second that this blanket stuff was my idea, just check out this video & see for yourself how it all came about.  no seriously, you should check out that video, if only to see how cute he is when using sign language.

but seriously?  my kid's crazy.  and i LOVE it.

{linking up with the paper mama, a little king & i, & baby baby lemon's wordless wednesdays!}

vote if you love silly shepherd/mother theresa/ewok babies!  whoo!
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  1. Ah ha ha. That is pure awesomeness. That's all I have to say.

  2. Haha. I love it. He is so cute. I think if Parker and Landon ever met then they'd have an absolute ball together. Landon loves having his blanket on his head. :D

  3. Creative and imaginative - Parker is having a wonderful childhood!

  4. That video totally made my rainy morning, lol. Ha!

  5. Oh my gosh, that is just about the cutest thing I have seen in a long time!!

  6. LOL! That is too funny. I think he should try out for the nativity play for church ;)

  7. hilarious! i'm still laughing as i type this. your headband contraption is genius.

  8. This is why Mom's become obsessed with their kids....they're just so darn cute! You're such a great Mom!

  9. Seriously, this kid has such an awesome personality! Haha! Stinkin' cute!

  10. I want to punch the IT guys at work in the FACE because I can't view the video on our next work. I need to tie a string around my finger so I can remember to watch this when I get home!

  11. ha! Parker is AMAZING! Also, so freakin' adorable that boy.

  12. how cute is this!! love the pictures and just love the video! that parker is too cute!!

  13. Pahaha!! Love this! :) At least he isn't dragging it around getting it nasty when it's attached to his head. One day, he will love looking back on these. LOL

  14. ha ha. Hilarious!

  15. Absolutely hilarious, kids are so weird and I love them for it! Maybe he could be Joseph for Halloween and carry a little baby Jesus?;)

  16. seriously SO adorable. I love the little (big?!) personalities that come out of these little munchkins!

  17. pure greatness! pretty sure that is one of THE funniest things I have ever seen!

  18. So precious! Love his cute little stride down the hall!!

  19. Oh man that is way too cute. My little guy just started walking at the beginning of last week too! He's not walking as great as Parker is yet but he's getting there!

  20. I'll admit I watched the videos a couple times. Too cute! I love when they get little obsessions :)

  21. hahahaha that is beyond awesome! Seriously cannot stop laughing. He is the cutest thing ever!!!

  22. LOL! He really does seem to love his blanket a lot!

  23. Henry just watched this three times and then all of your other videos saying, "baby!!" and kissing the computer screen <3


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