i continue to be amazed every day at how much parker is changing. he's continually surprising us by how smart he is & by how much he understands. he is so much fun to have around & he has the most hilarious little sense of humor. he loves to laugh & be laughed at & is always doing little things he knows are silly.
he is just our favorite little guy.
here he is, all growed up to sixteen months.
{compare previous monthly pics here.}
these posts are really hard for me. why? because after a photoshoot with parker, i'm left with about 100+ pictures of him being super goofy & giggly & doing his usual parker antics. how am i supposed to pick just one shot to capture his personality for that month? i can't. it's impossible. so in similar form to last month, here are some of my favorite runner ups from our shoot:
parker cut four molars this month. we had a couple rough days as a result of it, but life has seemed to : : : knock on wood : : : resume to normal. that makes twelve teeth now. parker wakes up happy & that usually lasts throughout his entire day with the exception of diaper changes. he still screams bloody murder during those. he loves his baths again but hates having the water poured over his head when rinsing & refuses to get in if there's a bath mat. he loves naps & bedtime & practically jumps out of your arms to get in his crib when being put down. you tell him, "ok parker, time for nigh-night." and he'll run & grab his blanket & repeat "nigh-nigh? nigh nigh?" over & over until you take him back to his room to read stories & go down. oh yeah, that's another thing... the kid can run.
he's learned a few new words this month. added to his everyday vocabulary are the words "mo-mo" {elmo}, "sock", "hat" {which he HAS to be wearing when outside. he asks for it every time he gets out of the car or after he puts on his shoes}, "pig", "baa" {sheep} & "mee" {medicine... aka: vitamins & fluoride. taking these are pretty much his favorite part of bedtime routine}. the word most often said is still "daddy", followed by "mommy" followed by "puppy." at least he has his priorities straight.
he had a checkup this last month {technically his 15 month checkup} & was measured at 23.8 pounds {30%-tile} & 30 inches {20%-tile}. this is where he was called "puny" by my pediatrician. whatever. he's grown out of 18 month onsies but wears mostly all 18 month shirts & pants. he's in size 4 diapers & size 4 or 5 shoes. he eats pretty well with a fork & spoon & is a pretty good all-around eater.
he loves to laugh. he laughs if you look at him funny. he laughs when he's tickled. he laughs when you try to make the bed when he's on it & the sheets get pulled out from underneath him. he loves to be chased & wrestled & starts wrestle fights with us all the time. he loves to blow kisses & thinks that's one of the funniest things ever. he loves to give kisses... on the nose, on the lips, on your eyes. he's very serious about kisses though. he still waves hi & bye to most people he meets & greets me with a big "hi!" every morning. the other day he woke up from his nap & called out "mommy? daddy?" which probably made sam's & my entire year.
and? he is still so dang cute.
love this kid.
love your votes.

he's a cutie, as usual. and this post just reminded me that Ryann is 17 months old today. Whoops!
ReplyDeleteAlso the stats for boys and girls are obviously way different! Ry weighed less than that, and was maybe a quarter inch taller than that, and was in the 50th percentile all around.
Happy 16 months Parker!
Gianna has finally caught up and is around the 50%-tile for her height and weight now but for awhile she was at the 75%-tile for her height and 25%-tile for her weight so of course the dr.'s were on me about her being skinny and wanting me to feed her higher calorie foods. I guess they missed the memo that her daddy is 6'4 and skinny! Lol! And good grief, your little man is SO cute! Isn't it sad how fast it goes?
ReplyDeleteThat Parker is one cute kid!! Seriously! love those pictures you posted of him!! He is adorable!!
ReplyDeletehappy 16 months parker!! you are one cute kiddo!! :)
ReplyDeleteI could just eat him up! You make me so excited to see my baby grow even though it is a little bit sad at times. Thanks for making growing up look fun!
ReplyDeleteJust gets cuter every day! I'm glad he cut those molars through!! Those things are torture!
ReplyDeleteHe's so cute! Happy 16 Months Parker!
ReplyDeleteYup. Still a cutie! The molars are brutal. Pie did the 4 at once route too and is now working on two more. It's no fun.
ReplyDeleteI know I say it EVERY time you do one of these posts, but he is so stinkin cute! I love his little face. :) I wouldn't worry too much about "stats." As long as he's happy and healthy, I think he is totally fine.
ReplyDeleteI love reading Parker's updates because Brigs is practically the same age. They are so darn cute at this age, am I right?
ReplyDeleteI just love that they can understand everything. Still a lot of jibberish that comes out of their mouth but oh, the fun of watching them catch on.
And puny? He sure doesn't look puny to me! I give you pedi the bird on your behalf!
Ha! I just blogged about Christian cutting 4 molars! That was a tough one. poor mouth looks so sore. Happy 16 months PARKER!
ReplyDeletehe is soo adorable! Love his eyes and that smile!
ReplyDeleteAhhh he is such a lil man, so handsome! My 17 month old is about the exact same size, so apparently "puny" translates to super gorgeous and perfect baby!:)
ReplyDeleteDidn't he just turn 15 months yesterday? Where is the time going?!?! He just gets happier & cuter by the day though :)
ReplyDeleteReally cute pics!
ReplyDeleteOh man! His hair is growing in like mad. I love it! I can't seem to get enough of his little teethers! They are so cute. Pretty much, he is so cute! Love him.
ReplyDeleteThe last one with his head resting on his zebra is so adorable!
ReplyDeleteHe's getting so big! I love his big smiles! It brings a smile to my face!
♥ Kyna
He's so cute! They grow up too fast! My baby just turned 22 months. I have no idea where the time has gone. :)
ReplyDeleteHappy 16 months, Parker! Not puny, unless puny is a code word for super cute!! He has the cutest smile!
ReplyDeleteHappy 16 Months Baby Boy :) that smile of his is contagious! Too cute :)
ReplyDeleteYou capture so much of his happy personality! Delightful...
ReplyDeleteWhat a doll! He's so precious!
ReplyDeleteYour son is the cutest and I love the way he smiles. :) Such an adorable little boy. Reminds me of my nephew who lives in another city.
ReplyDeleteLove those photos of him, he got an amazing smile, made me smile too.. cute kid..
ReplyDeleteHe is super cute!!
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