Friday, April 22, 2011

this is the last one.

i just spent the last hour typing up a post that i've decided to save & post another day.  one of those long, deep, reflection type posts.  it didn't seem fitting for the day before p-ray's big party.  so you can look forward to that next week.

you guys, this is me one year ago today.  i was thirty-nine weeks pregnant and freaking out about how the baby in my belly was going to get out.

now i'm freaking out about how 20+ people are going to fit in my house tomorrow to celebrate that baby's first birthday.  both are good types of freaking out, but i definitely like the latter one more.

we have a big day ahead of us.  shopping for food, putting up decorations, cleaning the house, & waiting for the grandparents to arrive {both sets get in tonight!}.

i can't wait to share all the details on the blog, & to see for myself how it all comes together.  i've never planned or thrown a party like this before & i have totally enjoyed the whole process.  a huge part of me is going to be so sad when it's all over.  and also?  i might have to actually start accepting the fact that my baby is actually one year old.  weird.

but in honor of a day full of party prep, here is one last sneak peak into what i'm hoping to accomplish.  behold, my pinterest party-planning-board.  and if you haven't joined pinterest yet, you totally should.  i'm addicted & so should you.

{click to enlarge}

and lastly, i want you to know that i debated a good half hour whether or not i should put my thirty-nine week bare belly shot in this post.  obviously i decided against it, so mom, you can be proud.

did i make the right choice?  what're your guys' thoughts on bare belly prego pics?  let me know.  i could still maybe be convinced.

hey!  we moved into lucky #11!  thanks for the votes guys.
Vote For Us @!


  1. Love your blog! Also love your theme for the party! I think it depends on the bare belly...I have seen some seriously cute pregnant bellies, but I have also seen some horrendous ones. I think everyone knows in their head whether or not they have a cute pregnant belly, and whether or not it is internet worthy. Seeing how small you were and are and how cute your clothed pregnant pictures are I am sure your bare belly pics are adorable.

  2. first, you might have the most perfect baby belly ever. second, any chance you can invite me to join pinterest, or however it works? i tried to join but it says I need an invitation! we're only 2 months away from riley's 1st b-day and i must. start. planning. :) can't wait to see pics from parker's party!

  3. I am pretty conservative and wouldn't post photos of my own bare belly, but I am not offended when I see others photos. Do what you feel is best for you!

    I cannot wait to see your post on Parker's birthday! I know you have planned so well and it will be just perfect for your little guy.

  4. Aw, mama- no worries. The party will be a smashing success. Just look at how organized you are. And thanks for sharing your inspiration.

  5. I love the colors and the theme you are going for your party I cannot wait to see how it all turns out. You also had a seriously cute little prego belly!

  6. I can't wait to see pictures from the little guys big day!! I want to see bare belly pics! hehe. You look GREAT at 39 weeks!! & little p-ray looks super fly! Have a good weekend!

  7. Have fun at your party, it looks like it's going to be beautiful!

    As for bare belly pics, I'm not against them, I think most of them are pretty cute. :)

  8. Loove the party planning!!!It looks epic! i did bare belly shots but i also had bad stretch marks.. still do battle wounds.anyway i dont think theres anything wrong with them!

  9. I am freaking out excited right now for this party!!
    As you know...I am ALL for the bare belly pics! Its so 'natural' to see a womens preggo belly. But who am I really....I spray naked people all day!! haha

  10. well from the look of your covered belly pic im sure your bare belly was super duper cute. that is a tiny belly... its like the poster mom for pregnancy.

  11. Hi Amy, relax, take a deep breath, it's gonna work out incredibly fine as you have planned and prepared so much... everyone will be happy... and i might not check in tomorrow, so.. Happy Birthday little 1 year old p-ray... good luck mommy !

  12. Ahhh it's so close! You are going to have so much fun just remember tomorrow to try and enjoy it and dont get too wrapped up in being host momma. It can get overwhelming but you dont want to put all that work into it and then not get to actually have fun yourself you know?

    As for bare bellys I did all maine bare because I think they are beautiful but its all about what makes you feel comfortable!

  13. First birthdays of our first babies are a big deal. I remember my daughters. Sadly, by the second one, you're kinda over it and my son's was a little more low key, but every bit as memorable!

  14. You'll do great-- we fit 35 people into our teeny cape cod style (cape cod means seriously tiny rooms) house. I'm definitely weird about bare pregger pix, but I'm not totally anti-- it's just that I'm anti- ME doing it :)

  15. We can no longer be friends b/c you are waaaaaay too perfect of a pregnant woman.

    Except you are rocking the party plans so I guess we can be friends. Good lucky with the partay! Gonna be a blast!!

  16. This party is going to be awesome! I think bare belly pics are beautiful to have and keep, even printed in your home in a nice frame. It's good to celebrate the beautiful changes motherhood brings to a body, but personally I would never post them publicly. Maybe that's just because I had a lovely ring of light purple stretch marks around my belly button by 9 months. :)

  17. That will be one darling party! I wish I lived close to you so I could help. It looks like lots of fun, but lots of work, too!

  18. Love your party inspiration. Good luck tomorrow! I'm sure it'll go off swimmingly!

  19. i love the comparison between freaking out over how he was going to get out and now wondering how people will fit in your house. time goes by way too fast, doesn't it? happy (almost) birthday to parker!

  20. looked great at 39 weeks. Seriously, you look like you have a basketball under your shirt! And your board looks amazing. Can't wait to see pics from the party. XOXO

  21. Sooo cute! You are like the perfect pregnant lady ever.

    Have sooo much fun I can't wait to see all the pictures from the partaaaaaay.

  22. Um, yeah, you are like THE CUTEST thirty-nine-weeks pregnant person i've ever laid eyes on. And I'm sure your bare-belly pictures are beautiful and tasteful; how could they NOT be? P-ray's party is going to be epic and amazing, because he is and so are you. I wish I could see it! I'll live vicariously through the pictures though.

  23. 1- Have soooo much fun at the party tomorrow! I can't wait to see more pics!
    2- I have to find you on pinterest. I'm totally addicted!
    3- I <3 bare belly pics :)

  24. New follower, love your blog! I love planning parties, I have 3 months until my daughter's first birthday. Can't wait to see pictures of the big day! I'm sure it will be perfect no matter what.

    -Jackie from

  25. I hope he has a great first birthday party!!

    I usually don't mind bare belly photos! Though if I'm honest there are some exceptions. I think if you thought about posting it then it was probably cute and appropriate for the net :)

  26. hope the party is great! have lots of fun and get messy!

  27. SO CUTE! Happy birthday Parker! and congratulations mama!

  28. You're so cute pregnant! I think bare belly shots, as long as they're tasteful, are adorable.

    Hope the party was a success! Can't wait to see how it all turned out!

  29. Yay Happy birthday Parker can't wait to see it come together. Also if you feel confident posting the belly pic I say do it!


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