Thursday, January 20, 2011

today i took pictures {a random recap}.

it was super sunny today in the pnw, & for once in my life since having my new camera there was some natural light in the house.  score.  picture taking occurred.  but even more miraculous than that?  i got ready for the day.  like, the curled hair & "outfit" sort.

go me!

 ok, now that we acknowledged me not wearing a hoodie & sweats... bring on the pictures.

something dead in my front yard.

p-ray close ups.  i have no idea what color his eyes are gonna be.  any guesses?  when will they get the color they're gonna be & stay that way anyway?  if any of you know, i'd be interested.  i'm feeling too lazy to google an answer.

and this picture?  not totally in focus.  but you know what is?  the spray coming from the raspberry-spitting mouth of my child:

i hope you can see that.  i felt it.... alllll over my face.

and to top it all off, i worked out today.  i'm feeling pretty good.  booyah.

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i'd feel even better if ya'll voted for me. two clicks & my day just got even better.


  1. Awesome photos. Love the dead thing in your yard. ha ha. Parker is so adorable!!! I think they say 6 months to a year and their eyes should stay that color. Not sure though.

  2. that picture of parker in the hoodie really looks like your husband to me.

    also, you always look good. so shut it.

  3. Oh Parker, why must you be so insanely cute?

    LOVE the second close up of him! His sweet little nose and those eyelashes!

  4. LOVE the raspberry pic! SO cute! And I also love your tennis shoes. Super cute!

  5. I just want your cute cardigan! lol Great photos...yes the raspberry one of Parker is way to cute!

  6. I love the spitting pic! It made me laugh.

  7. Yay for natural light!! We've been in need of it here in the PNW! Unfortunately I think today is supposed to be another gloomy day! But I think the weekend is supposed to be somewhat decent. OOOkay now that I've concluded my weather report.... I love those pictures of Parker!! And your cardigan is SO cute!

  8. Raspberry kisses are so worth the spit all over the face, right?
    Also - hot mama alert! Your hair is looking fantastic - no wonder Parker always wants to eat it.

  9. love the spray! and good good with getting dressed in an actual outfit!

  10. LOVE the spray and that you captured it, it's too cute! I went out and went on a nice looooong walk in the beautiful weather we had. Can't let a day like that go by.

  11. GO YOU!!! I have to say, you are the one that inspired me taking more pictures of myself because I think you are SO CUTE!

    And you're pictures are great and that P-ray... those eyes, that personality, THAT FACE!

  12. I love the one of him blowing raspberries. I think his eyes might be darker. I don't know though Kingstons are still changing! I don't think they are really established till they are over a year! I wouldn't know though. Love all these pictures!!!

  13. Ah. I love these kinds of days!

  14. Those "dead things" are lavender. :) Cut them in the summer. They smell soo good! VERY cute pictures, by the way!!!

  15. Awesome pics of my youngest grand baby! You look great too... oxox

  16. HOT MAMA!!! :) Hawaii will be so lucky to have you grace its beaches next week! Love the pics. Growing boy standing and everything. WOW!

  17. around 3 months was when I noticed that my kids' eye color hadn't changed.

  18. These are some great pictures! I think babies eyes can change until they are one, but it looks to me like Parker has hazel eyes (and by the way, they are gorgeous). Hannah's lightened up and have been light blue for about five months.

    Oh and the spitting thing, yeah Hannah just started doing that when she eats and I always joke about wearing a rain coat to feed her. :)


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