Thursday, January 13, 2011

utah recap - in {mostly} pictures

i have been super overwhelmed with getting around to posting a recap from our trip to utah last week since i took a crazy amount of pictures.  finally, at about 10 pm last night i decided i needed to just post the straight-out-of-the-camera pictures & get on with it.

so, here is my trip recap from our visit last week in {mostly} pictures.

{warning:  this is a MAJOR photo dump, so proceed at your own risk.  but i promise, they're pretty.}

12.31.10 - friday

we arrived on new year's eve & headed down to my sister gina's house.  we rang in the new year with eight of my nieces & nephews with style.  and by style i mean eight kids screaming at the top of their lungs for a good ten minutes when the clock struck twelve.  pretty sure they were heard over the fireworks being let off next door.  we're pretty awesome that way.

1.01.11 - saturday
after a lazy morning consisting of lots of food & laziness {aka: everything a holiday morning is supposed to be}, we headed over to the church to drive go-carts in the parking lot & play basketball in the gym. then, that night we went to a byu basketball game & watched the {wrong sort of} cougs play fresno pacific. 

highlight of my saturday night?  nursing parker in the byu building facility manager's office on the main floor.  weird.

1.02.11 - sunday
sunday night two of my sisters & their families came over for family home evening & some dessert.  there's never a dull moment when the house is full of my nieces & nephews.  and it was a blast seeing them all interact with parker, too.

1.03.11 - monday
we got to meet up with sam's little brother korry & his family.  it was so much fun seeing them & meeting their newest little baby girl, audri lu.  we miss them so much since we don't get to see them that often & had good times shopping & eating with them all day.  we love you korry, taffee, jaci, & audri!

1.04.11 - tuesday
on tuesday morning we sent sam back home on a plane so he could work the rest of the week.  boo.  work totally gets in the way of fun, but i guess it's a necessity.  that night my parents & i went out for burgers & shakes, & then went to watch my nephew's basketball game.  he's a pretty big deal.

1.05.11 - wednesday
after some shopping with my sister, i got to meet up with shawntae & kingston for lunch!  oh man, it was a blast.  pictures of kingston don't do him justice.  he is cah-YUTE.  after some pizza, parker & kingston spent quite a while pulling books & toys off the shelves of barnes & noble while shawnate & i talked & talked & talked.  so. much. fun.  also?  if you don't follow shawntae's blog, you totally should.  just sayin'. 

1.06.11 - thursday
we spent the morning shopping with two of my sisters & my parents & trying on awesome fur hats.  want one?  hit up eddie bauer.  i hear they're really hot right now.  that night we had some tasty spaghetti at my sister heidi's house & then sat around & made funny faces at parker.  oh wait, that last part was just brian.

1.07.11 - friday
friday morning i was able to take a nice long shower while p-ray spent some quality time with his grandpa.  everyone wins.  also?  i tried to take pictures of the utah mountains but couldn't figure out quite how to capture them.  guess i'll have to keep practicing my landscape photography.

that night we had dinner at my sister shelley's after which erin & austin made us some hand-cranked dairy queen blizzards with erin's blizzard maker.  pretty dang good, if i say so myself.

1.08.11 - saturday
parker & i flew home saturday morning & looking at these pictures makes me super sad that it is all over.  flying away from your family is pretty dang sad.  like, all my family.  except of course, sam.  i guess he's a pretty important piece of my family, & that was good to come home to. 

but i'm definitely missing my mom & dad, my three sisters, & my eleven nieces & nephews.  thanks for showing us such a good time, we love you all & miss you tons & tons!

Vote For Us @!
one thing that makes me feel better about being home? your votes!


  1. Great pictures, looks like it was a wonderful trip =)

  2. I love all the pics! Parker is SO freakin' cute, my gosh!!! :)

  3. Loved the pictures! It looks like you had a great time. And I's tough being away from family!

  4. WHAT kind of camera do you have? I recently took indoor volleyball shots and they were AWFUL... as was the gym lighting. Your bball shots are so bright!

  5. Looks like you had a wonderful time. The pictures are wonderful, thanks for sharing!

  6. Looks like you had a GREAT trip! Loving the pics!! Little man is growing so fast!

  7. I am so overwhelmed by cuteness I don't even know what to say!!!! I just love this trip. Looks like SUCH a good time!! That little Parker is so good on the plane!!

  8. Amazing pictures. So nice that you got to spend time with your family and share P-Ray's cuteness with them.

  9. yay for utah! doesnt kingston just made you want to kidnap him forever?! love those two

  10. These are wonderful! You are getting so great with your camera. Looks like a wonderful time!

  11. Cute pictures! I love your sister Ginas hair color..what color is it? When I try to go darker my hair turns out black and i don't like it. If I go medium brown my hair turns more red! please let me know!

  12. Looks like you were busy busy the whole time but had soo much fun!

    I love the picture of Parker in his bear outfit. He just makes me wanna grab him and squeeze him!!!

    i love the pictures from our day too of course! I had sooo much fun with you guys. xoxoxoxoxo

  13. Looks like Parker had so much fun with his new little friends! What a cutie :)

  14. Looks like you guys had a wonderful time. Your pictures are beautiful and Parker is such a handsome little man!

  15. Looks like you had a fun time!! I love your furry hat!!

  16. I'm sad that Kasey was working when you were in UT. Otherwise we totally would have crashed your day with Korry and Taffee! We miss you guys!


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