Tuesday, December 14, 2010

christmas {with} the blog babies


have i ever mentioned how many amazing girls i've met through blogging?  i've formed so many real friendships & have gotten to know so many other moms that have now become some of my closest friends.  seriously.  i love my bloggy friends.

so this year, a few of us decided to do a little gift swapping.  ya know, in the spirit of christmas & all.  we drew names & paired up the babies for some gift giving & getting.

parker was lucky enough to be drawn by rauri!  if you aren't familiar with rauri's mom's blog then i'm not sure you've ever been on the internet.  seriously.  everyone {loves} chelsey, the paper mama, right?

anywho, chelsey & rauri knew that parker has a thing for sock monkeys... his face lights up every time he sees his sock monkey & he's been known to roll around & play with his sock monkey for... well, minutes.  that's basically hours in baby time though, right? 

so rauri's grandma knitted this hat, just for parker!  look at how much he loves it.  words don't describe.

{click to enlarge.  no really, it's totally worth it}

and as if that wasn't enough, she also included this super cute shirt for him too.  complete with a little sock monkey patch that she knitted on the butt.  what's cuter than little sock monkeys on babies butts?  not much.

the gifting didn't stop there.  chelsey is also uh-mazing with photoshop & sent p-ray this picture of him exploring his wild side.

at least he thought of me when he was getting all tatted up. 

oh chelsey & rauri, parker loves his gifts!  thank you so so so much for giving parker such amazing & thoughtful presents.  you guys are the best!

parker got to pick out a gift for corbin... check that out here.

and to see what all the other babies in the swap got, check out all the links below:

Vote For Us @ topbabyblogs.com!
and to vote for us it just takes two clicks on the little banner above.  ain't no thang.


  1. sock monkey are soo cute and P-ray makes them even cuter!!!

    Love love love love love you guys!

  2. That is the cutest hat ever! Hope you guys are feeling better.

  3. Aww! So cute!!! Love it!

  4. hahahaha...cracking up over the mustache tat on his finger.

    and the sock monkey hat is absolutely precious!

  5. I'm not sure it's even possible for me to express in words the cuteness that is Parker in his sock monkey hat. At least not without using some pretty unladylike words :D

    And I'm dying to have Chelsey tat up little Pie...even more so now after seeing Parker!!

  6. sock monkeys can't get any cuter than that! that first photo is the best!

  7. LOVE the sock monkey beanie!!! Love it! So cute to put the sock monkey on the butt! HA!

    Love the tattoos.

  8. That has got to be the cutest hat I've ever seen! I tried to crochet a hat once. It ended up being a large circle-shaped potholder :) Props to Grandma for an amazing job!

  9. OMG That hat is about the cutest thing I have ever seen!! He needs to wear it 24/7. And the picture with all the tatoos is so funny! I love it!!

  10. You are SO right! Those are the cutest photos ever! I'm so glad he loves it! He's so freakin cute, I'm dying over here...

    When I was tattooing him he kept telling me I needed to give a shout out to his mommy cause she's pretty cool. ;D

  11. cutest...photos...EVER! i don't think a sock monkey + baby combination could be more precious that that!

  12. Oh my gosh, those hat pictures?!! So stinking cute!!! *swoon*

  13. Okay me and Bennett might come and STEAL that hat.... we LOVE it! Okay we won't steal it, because that wouldn't be very thoughtful over Christmas time. AND P-Ray does look really good in it! Love all of his gifts!! Ruari did a great job :) :)

  14. Oh my gosh, that hat is on Parker is super cute! :)

  15. oh my gosh... so so so cute. I LOVE the hat I need to get one for Ryan! Im so glad we "met" you are awesome

  16. Boo-hoo, this makes me miss my babies who are all grown up now. Hold on to your wee one, he'll be a big man before you can blink an eye. Trust me, I know! Merry Christmas!


  17. He is SO cute! Love the sock monkey hat!


  18. Oh my goodness, he is so freakin' adorable in that hat!!!! :)

  19. those are just too great! red is totally his color too :)

  20. You may have one of the cutest babies EVER! I don't know how you make it through you day without wanting to squeeze and squish him the whole time. You should totally go with the mustache tat on the finger!

  21. Super cute! Gotta love good gift givers.

  22. Can I just say, that if I were invited to be among this group of mamas, I would probably pass out or throw up from pure awe and a little intimidation? Any ONE of you lovely ladies could elicit this response from me, so put all of you together? I'd lose it....

    P-Ray and Henry would be fast friends: Henry is a crazy sock monkey lover, too! And can I just say, the hat made for Parker is so amazing! He just slays me with his cuteness.

  23. Are you kidding me?? Those are the cutest presents ever! Especially the hat. To die for! PS- how the heck are all of you located such close proximity to each other?? I need to find some Maryland bloggy mom friends :)

  24. That is the cutest thing ever. Seriously.

  25. doooood. count me in for this gift exchange next year! I'm obsessed with all of these babies, I must meet them all.


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