Thursday, December 23, 2010

our tree

in christmases past, i've been all about keepin' it classy with the white lights/red bows/silver bulbs christmas tree decor.  apparently having a kid has changed me.  we went crazy with all sorts of lights & fun ornaments this year.

some of the ornaments we've had for a while, some are new.  here's the rundown of the ones with some meaning behind 'em:

snowman: i painted this little guy last week.  i'm crafty. • wsu football snowman: gift from co-worker last year • star: sam & i got this tree topper the first year we were married • felt "p": gift for parker from jill & corbin.  p-ray loves it!  • wsu cougar snowglobe: gift from sam's mom, go cougs. • giraffe: parker's pick for 2010.  he loves him some giraffes. • painted polka-dot ornament: i painted this last week too. it's pretty awesome. • glass thingy: gift from my aerobics instructor!  i drop & do ten every time i look at it.  • bulb w/ picture: gift from heather.  that's p-ray's picture in there. cute, right? i know. heather's the bomb.  • fox: my pick 2010, because why not? • baby shoe: gift for parker from the mother-in-law • "faith" star: got it as a hand out at church last week.  gotta remember the reason for the season.

i love all our mish mashed ornaments & i am super excited to add to our hodge podge tree every year.
mostly because of this little guy.

he's so cute.  and helpful.  ok, mostly just cute.

PhotobucketHi, Baby.Show Me Your TreeSereina Charise Photography: Very Merry Christmas Link Up

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  1. Wonderful photos. I haven't gone for a non-themed tree in forever. This year I decided that next year our tree will be non-themed. Seeing your tree I now know for sure I want the "hodge podge" look next year.

  2. I love all your ornaments! we are slowly adding to our collection as well I cannot wait until after x-mas to stock up like crazy.

  3. Our tree is a hodge podge, too. I think it's much more meaningful & I look forward to decorating it every year to see what memoeries each ornament brings.

  4. I love your tree!

    Makes me want to get up and paint some ornaments (:

  5. I love the snowman ornament. You are crafty!
    FYI - the BLW page is down because I'm editing. Don't worry - it'll be up soon!

  6. I love your photos! :) Our tree is 1/2 sci-fi (my husband loves his star wars/star trek) and 1/2 my random stuff :) Trees that look too perfect are blah.

  7. Great photos. I love all your ornaments. Very cute photos of Parker.

  8. I love all the ornaments. So much personality.

  9. i like to keep it classy too... but it's my husband that likes all the cheese appeal. so i do it for him. and now, actually, i prefer the tackiest stuff ever. it really does make the holiday.

  10. i really like elegant, classy white trees. but i LOVE colorful hodge podge trees the best! usually there is more room for a lot more sentiment. p-ray is so cute! i have a couple pictures with bennett playing with the christmas lights, too. so cute!

  11. Your ornaments are super cute!! The glass ball with the picture is precious! So so cute!! And the little giraffe is awesome.

  12. I hate keepin' it classy. Bring on colors and colored lights! Love it!

  13. There's something about becoming a mom, you suddenly don't mind all the cheesy ornaments and decor. ;) Looove it!

  14. oh yay! im so happy parker loves his ornament! corbin was mostly cute helping make it too! we totally have a mismatched colorful tree. they are so much fun to decorate every year!

  15. I love the last ones!! So cute!

  16. omg, you should beg your friend to do a tutorial on that ornament of p-ray with the photo in the bulb. i must have one!

    you should link this with my 'what's on your tree'!

  17. Very pretty! That first picture is so beautiful. Your ornaments are so fun!

  18. You're da bomb... Loving your blog, so creative!
    My hubby and I have been collecting Christmas ornaments since year 1 of our marriage and we love our very meaningful tree every year we go through all the ornaments and think back, it's been 11 years now. It's great! Keep up the amazing photos too. Love love love them.

  19. Your tree is even cuter in person! My fav is the foot at the bottom without any ornaments. Gotta love it!
    Merry Christmas! :)

  20. I'm like you, loving the color this year! Great pictures!

  21. Love the photos of your son - so cute!

  22. Fun pictures! Our tree was dominately white with a sophisticated feel until we had kids. Now its all colored lights, funny ornaments they help pick out and our 4 yr old likes stuffing all our Christmas cards in the tree for decoration. I love it more than ever! Having kids brings Christmas to a whole new level of awesomeness! Merry Christmas!

  23. Such great photos! And you're right...he IS very cute!

  24. Loving the tree details!! And your helper is definitely cute!


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